sustainable chemical free egg production with great red mite control

Small Flocks

With very small and domestic flocks it is of course easy to treat the birds on an individual basis and through the drinking water. Regular treatments are recommended with the intent of promoting health and conferring immunity to disease through an improved immune system.

Please contact us if your flock numbers fall between the small (say 1 to 20 birds) and the minimum 2000 commercial flocks we quote for, as we can quote for a system for your specific set up and requirements.

For the small and domestic flock the set of bottles below may be all you require. Easy to administer and totally safe for the birds. If you have specific problem with your birds please get in touch for a specific solution.
Set of Four Vibrational Essence 30ml Sprays to cover FirstAid, Worms and Parasites, Egg Production and Health and Well Being £44 plus carriage (saving 10% on individual price). No chemicals no drugs.  Bottle contains approx 210 doses. Energised and programmed water and 3% alcohol as preservative only.



Individual Sprays

First Aid: use immediately there is a problem detected. Most animals and birds are extremely susceptible to shock and trauma, used straight away this spray has been formulated to alleviate shock and trauma, enabling swift recovery. One spray into drinking water or onto beak/head area is one dose, dose frequently (can be very often e.g. 5 mins) until situation is resolved. Bottle contains approx 210 doses. Energised and programmed water and 3% alcohol as preservative only.

Vibrational Essence Poultry - First Aid 30ml Spray
Vibrational Essence Poultry – First Aid 30ml Spray


Wormer: This wormer is formulated to deal with the many worms, flukes and internal parasites that can infect birds, not only in the gut, but in all other tissues and organs of the body, often unnoticed and undiagnosed. The wormer is not only designed to deactivate and eliminate the worms, but also to increase the birds resistance to infestation. Intended to be used fortnightly as a preventative, and daily if infection is suspected or known exposure (e.g. wormy pasture) has occurred. One spray into drinking water or onto beak/head area is one dose. Bottle contains approx 210 doses. Energised and programmed water and 3% alcohol as preservative only.


Vibrational Essence Poultry - Worms and Parasites 30ml Spray
Vibrational Essence Poultry – Worms and Parasites 30ml Spray


Health and Well Being:

This essence is intended to deactivate and eliminate all known disease vectors of the birds. It is also intended to optimise the immune system, balancing and harmonising the birds metabolism and digestion. It is also formulated with the intent of reducing stress and having a calming influence in the flock.

Initially or if there is a problem detected one or two doses (one spray) per day per 6 hens into drinking water for a week or two. Or spray directly onto beak and into aura. Then repeat once every week or as required.

Vibrational Essence Poultry - Health and Wellbeing 30ml Spray
Vibrational Essence Poultry – Health and Wellbeing 30ml Spray


Egg Production:

This Vibrational Essence is formulated with the intent of reducing and eliminating egg problems such as misshapen eggs, thin shells, uneven and rough shell, by enhancing the metabolism and take up of adequate minerals. One spray per 6 hens into drinking water once a day for a week then once weekly. Ensure adequate calcium diet source is available.

Vibrational Essence Poultry - Egg Production 30ml Spray
Vibrational Essence Poultry – Egg Production 30ml Spray


Contact Auraengus on +44 (0)131 20 848 20 and Mike Haslem on 07747002184

Bioemitters Ltd, The Lodge, Lindsaylands East, Biggar Scotland ML12 6NR